Thursday, 17 November 2016

Ms Word 2007 Notes

1.             Home Tabs


There are fifth group of home tab. They are…


a)      Clipboard

b)      Font

c)      Paragraph

d)     Style

e)      Editing


a)     Clipboard:-

Ø  Cut:-Cut is the option to remove a highlighted area from the document, but is then available to place in any other document or part of the same document. 

Ø  Copy:-Copy the selection from the document and put on the Clipboard.
(Note: Cut and Copy use something called the Clipboard to store the information.  You are only able to have one item on the clipboard at once unless you are using a software package that allows for multiple clipboard items.)

Ø  Format Painter:- Copy formatting from one place and apply it to another. Double-click this button to apply the same formatting to multiple places in the document.

Ø  Paste:- Paste the copied or cut item in the desired location. (shortcut key Ctrl+V )
i)        Paste Special: - You can specify how you want to paste items by selecting options in the Paste Special dialog box.
·         Source: - Displays the format, path (if the source text is in a different folder), and name of the file from which you cut or copied text, images, or other content.
·         Paste: - Inserts or embeds the Clipboard contents at the insertion point in the format you select in the as box.
·         Paste link: - Inserts the Clipboard contents and creates a link to the source file for the data. This option is available only when the Clipboard contents come from an application that supports linking. Be sure to save the source file in the source application before you link it in Microsoft Word.
·         Display as icon: - Displays the linked or embedded object as an icon. To open or edit the object, double-click the icon.
·         Result: - In the Result area, Microsoft Word describes the effect of the selected options.
ii)      Paste as Hyperlink:-
 Paste the text as a hyperlink so that when you hold down ctrl and click a pasted item, it takes you to the location from where the item has copied or cut.

b)    Font [Ctrl +D]:-


Ø  Font:- Change The font face. (Shortcut key: Ctrl + Shift + F)

Ø  Font Size: -Change the font size. (Shortcut key: Ctrl + Shift+ >)

Ø  Grow Font size: - Increase the font size.

(Shortcut key: Ctrl + Shift + >)

Ø  Strike Font size: - Decrease the font size.

(Shortcut key: Ctrl + Shift + <)

Ø  Clear Formatting: - Clear all formatting all the selection, living only the plain text.

Ø  Bold: - Make the selected text Bold. (Shortcut key: Ctrl + B)

Ø  Italic: - Italicize the selected text. (Shortcut key: Ctrl + I)

Ø  Underline: - Specifies whether selected text is underlined and the underline style. Click none to remove underlining. (Shortcut key: Ctrl + U)

Ø  Strikethrough: - Draw a line through the middle of selected text.

Ø  Subscript: - Lowers the selected text below the baseline and changes the selected text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is available. If you want to lower the selected text without changing the font size, click the Character Spacing tab, and then click Lowered in the Position box. (Shortcut key: Ctrl + =)

Ø  Superscript: - Raises the selected text above the baseline and changes the selected text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is available. If you want to raise the selected text without changing the font size, click the Character Spacing tab, and then click Raised in the Position box.

(Shortcut key: Ctrl +Shift + =)

Ø  Change case: - (Shortcut key: Shift + F3) Change all selected text to Upper, Lower and command capitalizations.

There are five cases. They are

i)        Sentence case

ii)      Lowercase

iii)    Uppercase

iv)     Capitalize Each Word

v)      Toggle Case


Ø  Text Highlight color: - Make text look like it was marked with a highlight pen.

Ø  Font color: - Specifies the color of the selected text. In the box, select a color.



c)     Paragraph:-
Ø  Bullet: - Start a bullets list. Click the arrow choose the different bullets style.
Ø  Numbering: - Start a numbers list. Click the arrow choose the different numbering formats.
Ø  Multilevel list: - Start a multilevel list. Click the arrow choose the different multilevel list style.
Ø  Decrease Indent: - Control the left boundary for every line in a paragraph. (Shortcut key: Ctrl +Shift + M)
Ø  Increase Indent: - Control the right boundary for every line in a paragraph. (Shortcut key: Ctrl + M)
Ø  Sort: - Alphabetize the selected text or sort numerical data.
Ø  Paragraph mark: - Show paragraph mark and other hidden formatting symbols. (Shortcut key: Ctrl +Shift + *)
Ø  Left: - smooth edge on left side text margins.
(Shortcut key: Ctrl +L)
Right: - smooth edge on both right side text margins.
(Shortcut key: Ctrl +R)
Ø  Center: - not smooth edge on both side text margins.
 (Shortcut key: Ctrl +E)
Ø  Line Spacing:-
·         Single: - (Ctrl+1) Accommodates the largest font in that line, plus a small amount of extra space. The amount of extra space varies depending on the font used.
·         1.5 Lines: - (Ctrl+5) One-and-one-half times that of single line spacing.
·         Double: - (Ctrl+2) Twice that of single line spacing.
Ø   Shading: - Color the background behind the selected text or paragraph.
Ø  Borders: - Customize the borders of the selected cells or text.

d)    Style:-

Ø  Create a new list style:-

1.      In addition to the built-in list styles that come with Microsoft Word, you can create your own list style to apply similar alignment, number or bullet characters, and fonts to lists.
2.      If the Styles and formatting task pane is not open, click Styles and Formatting on the Formatting toolbar.
3.      In the Styles and Formatting task pane, click New Style.
4.      In the Name box, type a name for the style.
5.      In the Style type box, click List.
6.      Select the options that you want, or click Format to see more options.

Ø  Change Style:-
ü  Style set: - Change the set of style.
ü  Colors: - Change the set of colors.
ü  Fonts: - Change the style of fonts.
ü  Set as default: - Set the current style set and theme as the default used when you create a new document.

e)     Editing :-
Ø  Find (Ctrl+F): - You can quickly search for every occurrence of a specific word or phrase.
1.      On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Find.
2.      In the Find what box, type the text that you want to search for.

Do one of the following:
1.      In the Find what box, enter the text that you want to search for.
2.      Select any other options that you want.
3.      To select all instances of a specific word or phrase at once, select the highlight all items found in check box, and then select which portion of the document you want to search in by clicking in the Highlight all items found in list.
4.      Click Find Next or Find All.

Ø  Go to (Ctrl+G):- Use the Go to command in Word 2007 to send the insertion pointer to a specific page or line or to the location of a number of interesting things that Word can potentially insert in your document.

Ø  Replace (Ctrl+H): - Replace is a function that can be used with Find, to replace every instance of a word with another word.  Example:  I need to use the word application instead of the word software so I use find application and replace with software

Ø  Select: - select all text, select object and select within text in document.

2.       Insert Tabs

      There are seven groups in the Insert Tab group format. They are
Ø  Page
Ø  Table
Ø  Illustrations
Ø  Links
Ø  Header & footer
Ø  Text
Ø  Symbols

Ø    Page:-
                                            i.      Cover page: - Insert a fully-formatted cover page. You will fill in the title, author, date and other information.
                                          ii.      Blank page: - Insert a new blank page at the curser position.
                                        iii.      Page Break (Ctrl + Enter):- Start the new page at the current position.

Ø    Table:-
Insert or draw a table in to the document.
                                            i.                        Insert table :-
On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table, and then, under Insert Table, drag to select the number of rows and columns that you want.
                                          ii.      Insert table….:-
1.      You can use the Insert Table command to choose the table dimensions and format before you insert the table into a document.
2.      Click where you want to insert a table.
3.      On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table, and then click Insert Table.
4.      Word Ribbon Image
5.      Under Table size, enter the number of columns and rows. (number of columns : minimum 1 and maximum 63 and number of rows : minimum 1 and maximum 37767)
6.      Under AutoFit behavior, choose options to adjust the table size.

                                        iii.      Draw table :-
You can draw a complex table — for example, one that contains cells of different heights or a varying number of columns per row.
1.      Click where you want to create the table.
2.      On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table, and then click Draw Table.
Word Ribbon Image
The pointer changes to a pencil.
3.      To define the outer table boundaries, draw a rectangle. Then draw the column lines and row lines inside the rectangle.
To draw table
4.      To erase a line or block of lines, under Table Tools, on the Design tab, in the Draw Borders group, click Eraser.
5.      Click the line that you want to erase. To erase the entire table, see Delete a table or clear its contents.
6.      When you finish drawing the table, click in a cell and start typing or insert a graphic.

                                        iv.      Convert text to table :-
1.      Insert separator characters  — such as commas or tabs — to indicate where you want to divide the text into columns. Use paragraph marks to indicate where you want to begin a new row.
2.      For example, in a list with two words on a line, insert a comma or a tab after the first word to create a two-column table.
3.      Select the text that you want to convert.
4.      On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table, and then click Convert Text to Table.
5.      Word Ribbon Image
6.      In the Convert Text to Table dialog box, under Separate text at, click the option for the separator character that you used in the text.
7.      Select any other options that you want.

Take a Table Tool

1.   Design Tab

2.   Layout Tab

1.      Design Tabs group name:-
There are three groups in the Design Tab group format. They are
ü Table style option
ü Table Styles
ü Draw border

ü  Table style option:-

·         Header row :-
Display special formatting for the first row of the table.
·         Total row :-
Display special formatting for the last row of the table.
·         Banded row :-
Display banded rows, in which even rows are formatted differently from odd rows.
·         First column: - Display special formatting for the first column of the table.
·         Last column: - Display special formatting for the last column of the table.
·         Banded columns: - Display banded rows, in which even columns are formatted differently from odd rows.
ü    Table Styles :-
1.      Click in the table that you want to format.
2.      Under Table Tools, click the Design tab.
3.      In the Table Styles group, rest the pointer over each table style until you find a style that you want to use.
·         Shading: - Color the background behind the selected text or paragraph.
·                     Border: - Customize the border of the selected cell or text.

ü  Draw border :-
·                     Line style: - Change the style of line user to draw border.
·         Line weight: - Change the weight of line user to draw border.
·                     Pen color: - Change the pen color.
·                     Draw border: - Draw the border of a table.
·                     Eraser: - Draw the border of a table.

2.      Layout Tabs group name:-
There are six groups in the Layout Tab group format. They are
ü  Table
ü  Rows & columns
ü  Merge
ü  Cell size
ü  Alignment
ü  Data

ü Table :-
·         Select: Select the current cell, row, column and entire table.
·         View Gridlines: - Show or hide the gridlines within the table.
·         Properties: - Open the table properties dialog box to change an advance table properties such as indentation and text wrapping options.
ü Rows & columns :-
·         Delete: - Delete rows, columns, cells and entire columns.
·         Insert Above: - Add a new row directly above the selected row.
·         Insert Below: - Add a new row directly below the selected row.
·         Insert Left: - Add a new row directly left of the selected column.
·         Insert Right: - Add a new row directly right of the selected column.
ü  Merge :-
·         Merge Cells: - Merge the selected cells into one cell.
·         Split Cells: - Split the selected cells into multiple new cells.
·         Split Table: - Selected row will become the first row of the new table.
ü Cell size :-
·         Table Column Height: - Set the height of selected Column.
·         Table Row Height: - Set the height of selected cells.
ü Alignment :-
There are nine cell value alignments in table:-
Align Top Left, Align Top Center, Align Top Right,
Align Center Left, Align Center, Align Center Right,
Align Bottom Left, Align Bottom Center, Align Bottom Right
·         Text Direction:-Change the text direction within the selected cells.
·         Cell Margin: - Customize cell margin and the spacing between cells.

ü  Data:-
·         Sort :-
Alphabetize the selected text or sort numeric data.
·         Ascending ( A to Z )
·         Descending ( Z to A )

·         Repeat Header Rows: - Repeat the header row on every page. These only effects only table which extend beyond a single page.
·         Convert to Text: - Convert the table to regular text. You can choose which text character to use separates the columns.
·         Formula:-
Add a formula to a cell to perform a simple calculation, such as AVERAGE, SUM, or COUNT.

Total Mark
Obtain Mark


*      Sum : =sum(First cell : Last Cell)
*      Subtract : =a1-a2
*      Multiplication : =a1*a2
*      Division : =a1/a2
*      Average : =average(First cell : Last Cell)
*      Percentage  : =total*100/500
*      Max : =max(First cell : Last Cell)
*      Min : =min(First cell : Last Cell)
Ø    Illustrations :-
                                i.            Picture
                              ii.            Clip Art
                            iii.            Shapes
                            iv.            Smart Art
                              v.            Charts

                    i.      Picture: - Insert a picture from file. Double-click the picture that you want to insert. Pictures in a document. You can reduce the size of a file by linking to a picture. In the Insert Picture dialog box, click the arrow next to Insert, and then click Link to File.

Picture Tools Format:

Picture Format Group Name:-
There are four groups in the picture format. They are
ü  Adjust
ü  Picture Style
ü  Arrange
ü  Size

ü  Adjust :-
·         Brightness: - Increase or Decrease the brightness of the picture.
·         Contrast: - Increase or Decrease the contrast of the picture.
·         Recolor:- Recolor the picture to give it a stylized effect, such as grayscale or sepia tone.
·         Compress Picture: - Compress picture in the document to reduce its size.
·         Change Picture: - Change to a different picture, preserving the formatting and size of the current picture.
·         Reset Picture: - Discard all of the formatting changes you made to this picture.

ü  Picture Style :-
·         Choose an overall visual style for the picture.
·         Picture Shape: - Change the shape of the drawing, preserving of the formatting.
·         Picture Border: - Specify the color, width and line style for the outline for the select shape.
·         Picture Effect: - Apply a visual effect to the picture, such as shadow glow, reflection or 3d rotation.

ü  Arrange :-
·         Position :-
Position the select object on the page and text is automatically set to wrap around the object.
·         Bring to front :-
Bring the selected object in front of other objects so that no part of it is hidden behind another object.
·         Send to back :-
Send the selected object behind all selected object.

·         Text Wrapping :-
Change the ways text wraps around the selected object. To configure the object so that its moves along with the text around it, select “In line with text”.
·         Align: - Align the edge of multiple selected objects. You can also center them or distribute them evenly across the page.
·         Group: - Group objects together so that they can be treated like a single object.  
·         Rotate: - Rotate or flip the selected object.

ü  Size :-
·   Crop: - Crop the picture to remove any unwanted part.
·   Shape height: - Change the height of the shape or picture.
·   Shape Width: - Change the height of the shape or picture.

                  ii.      Clip Art: - Insert clipart into the document, including drawing, movies, sounds or stock photography’s to illustrate a specific concept.

                iii.      Shapes:-Insert Ready-made shape, such as rectangles, circles, arrows, lines, flowchart symbols and callouts.

Drawing Tools Format:

Drawing format group name :-
There are six groups in the picture format. They are
ü  Insert Shape
ü  Shape Styles
ü  Shadow effects
ü  3-D effects
ü  Arrange
ü  Size

ü  Insert Shape:-
Insert Ready-made shape, such as rectangles, circles, arrows, lines, flowchart symbols and callouts.
ü  Shape Styles:-
 Change the overall visual effect of the shape.
·   Shape Fill: - Fill the selected shape with a solid color, picture, texture or gradient color.
·   Line style:- Specify the color, width and line style for the outline for the selected shape.
·   Change Shape: - Change the shape of the drawing, preserving all the formatting.
ü  Shadow Effects:-
Add a shadow to the shape.
ü  3-D Effects:-
Add a 3-D effect to the shape.
                      iv.      Smart Art :-
Insert a smart art graphic to visual communicate information. Smart art graphic range from graphical lists and process diagram to the more complex graphic, such as Venn diagrams and organization chart.
                        v.      Chart :-
Insert a chart to illustrate and compare data. Bar, pie, area and surface are some of the available types.
Ø    Links :-
                                i.            Hyperlink: - Create a link to a web page, a picture, and e-mail address or a program.
                              ii.            Bookmark: - Create a bookmark to assign a name to a specific point to a document. You can make hyperlink that jump directly to a bookmarked location.
                            iii.            Cross-reference:- Refer to items such as headings, figures, and tables by inserting a cross-reference such as, “see table 6 below” or “turn to page 8.”Cross-reference are automatically updated if the content is moved to another location by default, cross-reference are inserted as hyperlink.

Ø    Header & Footer :-
                                i.      Header :-
Edit the header of the document. The content in the header will appear at the top of each printed page.
                              ii.      Footer :-
Edit the footer of the document. The content in the header will appear at the bottom of each printed page.
                            iii.      Page Number :-
Insert a page number into the document.
Ø    Text :-
                                i.      Text Box :-
Insert a preformatted text boxes.
                              ii.      Quick Parts :-
Insert reusable pieces of content, including fields document properties such as title and author, or any preformatted snippets you create.
                            iii.      WordArt :-
Insert decorative text in your document.

WordArt Tools Format:

Shape format group name:-
There are six groups in the picture format. They are
ü  Text
ü  WordArt Styles
ü  Shadow effects
ü  3-D effects
ü  Arrange
ü  Size
ü  Text:-
·         Edit text: - Edit the text for this word art.
·         Spacing: - Change the spacing between the letters of the text.
·         Even Height: - Make all letters exactly the same height, both uppercase and lowercase.
·         WordArt Vertical Text: - Draw   the text vertically, with the letters stacked on top of each other.
·         Align Text:- Specify how individual

ü  WordArt Styles:-
·         Choose the WordArt style to use.
·   Shape Fill: - Fill the selected shape with a solid color, picture, texture or gradient color.
·   Shape Outline: - Specify the color, width and line style for the outline for the selected shape.
·         Change WordArt Shape: - Choose the overall shape of the WordArt.

                                        iv.      Drop Cap:-Create a large capital letter at the beginning of a multiline. WordArt should be aligned.
                                          v.      Signature:-Insert a signature line that specifies the individual who must sign. Insert a digital signature requires that you obtain a digital Id, such as one from a certified Microsoft partner. 
                                        vi.      Date & Time:-Insert a current date or time into the current document.
                                      vii.      Object:-Insert an embedded object.

Ø    Symbol :-
                                      i.      Equations: - Insert common mathematical equations or Build up your own equations using a library of math symbols.
                                    ii.      Symbol:-Insert symbols that are not your keyboard, such as copyright symbols, trademark symbols, paragraph marks and Unicode characters.

 Page Layout:-
There Are Fifth Group Of Page Layout Tab. They Are...
Ø  Themes
Ø  Page Setup
Ø  Page Background
Ø  Paragraph
Ø  Arrange

Ø  Theme :-
                                i.            Change Theme: Change the overall design of the entire document, including color, fonts and effects. (Current theme: office)
                              ii.            Theme Colors: Change the colors for the current theme. (Current: office color)
                            iii.            Theme Fonts: Change the fonts for the current theme. (Current: office, heading: Cambria, Body: Calibri)
                            iv.            Theme Effects: Change the effects for the current theme. (Current: office color)

Ø  Page Setup :-
                                i.            Margins: Select the margin size for the entire document or the current section.
                              ii.            Orientation: Switch the pages between portrait and landscape layouts.
                            iii.            Size: Choose a paper size for the current section. To apply a specific paper size to all sections in the document, click more paper size.
                            iv.            Columns: Split text into two or more columns.

Insert Page Break and Section Break
There are two categories of break.
a.      Page break:
§  Page: Mark the point at which one page ends and the next page begins.
§  Column: Indicate that the text following the column break will begin in the text column.
§  Text wrapping: Separate text around objects on web pages, such as caption text from body text.

b.      Section break:-
§  Next page: Insert a section break and start the new section on the next page.
§  Continuous break: Insert a section break and start the new section on the same page.
§  Even page: Insert a section break and start the new section on the next even-numbered (2, 4, 6, 8, 10…..) page.
§  Odd page: Insert a section break and start the new section on the next even-numbered (1, 3, 5, 7, 9…..) page.

                              v.            Line Numbers: Add a line number in the margin alongside of each line of the document.
                            vi.            Hyphenation:  If a word is too long to fit on the end of a line, Microsoft Word moves the word to the beginning of the next line instead of hyphenating it. However, you can use the hyphenation feature to insert hyphens to eliminate gaps in justified text or to maintain even line lengths in narrow columns
§  Using automatic hyphenation: When you turn on automatic hyphenation, Word automatically inserts hyphens where they are needed in the document. If you later edit the document and change line breaks, Word rehyphenates the document.

§  Using manual hyphenation: When you choose manual hyphenation, Word searches for text to hyphenate, asks you to confirm each proposed optional hyphen, and then inserts the optional hyphens. If you later edit the document and change line breaks, Word displays and prints only the optional hyphens that still fall at the ends of lines. Word doesn't rehyphenate the document.

Ø  Page Background:-
i.        Watermark
Insert ghosted text behind the content of the page. This is often used to indicate that a document is to be treated specially, such as Confidential or Urgent.
ii.      Page Color: Choose a color for the background of the page.
v  Theme color
v  Standard color
v  More color
v  Fill effect

iii.                Page Border:
§  On the Page Layout, click Borders and Shading, and then click the Page Border tab.
§  To specify an artistic border, such as trees, select an option in the Art box.
§  To specify the exact position of the border on the page, click Options, and then select the options you want.

Ø  Paragraph:-

i.                    Indent
§  Indent left: Move in the left side of the paragraph by a certain amount. To change the margin for the whole document, click the margins buttons.
§  Indent right: Move in the right side of the paragraph by a certain amount. To change the margin for the whole document, click the margins buttons.
ii.                  Spacing
§  Spacing Before: Change the spacing between paragraphs by adding space above the selected paragraph.
§  Spacing After: Change the spacing between paragraphs by adding space below the selected paragraph.

There are six Group of Reference tab. They Are...
Ø Table of Contents
Ø Footnotes
Ø Citations & Bibliography
Ø Captions
Ø Index
Ø Table of Authorities

Ø Table of Contents :-
                                     i.      Table of Contents: You create a table of contents by choosing the heading styles — for example, Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3 — that you want to include in the table of contents. Microsoft Office Word searches for headings that match the style that you choose formats and indents the entry text according to the heading style, and then inserts the table of contents into the document.

                                   ii.      Add Text: Add the current paragraph as an entry in the Table of contents.
                                iii.      Update Table: Update the Table of contents so that all entries refer to the correct page number.

Ø Footnotes :-
                                     i.      Insert footnote and Endnote: In Print Layout view (Print Layout view: A view of a document or other object as it will appear when you print it. For example, items such as headers, footnotes, columns, and text boxes appear in their actual positions.), click where you want to insert the note reference mark.

                                   ii.      Next Footnote: Navigate to the next footnote in the document. Click the arrow to navigate to the previous footnote in the document, or to navigate to the next or previous endnote.
                                iii.            Show Notes: Scroll the document to show where the footnotes or endnotes are located.

Ø Citations & Bibliography :-
                                     i.      Insert Citation: Cite a book, journal article or other periodical as the source for a piece of information in the document. Choose from the list of sources you have created or enter information for a new source.
                                   ii.      Manage Sources: View the list of the entire source cited in the document.
                                iii.      Style: Choose the style of catenation to use in the document. Popular choices include APA style, Chicago style, and MLA style.
                                iv.      Bibliography: Add a bibliography, which lists the entire source cited in the document. 
Ø Captions :-
i.       Insert Caption: Add a caption to a picture or other image. A caption is a line of text that appears below an object to describe it.

ii.     Table of Figures Dialog: Insert a Table of figure into the document. A Table of figure includes a list of all of the figures, tables or equations in the document.
iii.  Update Table of Figures: Update the Table of figures to include all of the entries in the document.
iv.  Cross – Reference:

Ø Index :-
i.       Mark Entry: To create an index, you mark the entries, select a design, and then build the index.
ii.     Insert Index: Insert an index into the document. An index is a list of keywords found in the document along with the page numbers the words appear on.  
iii.  Update Index: Update the index so that all the entries refer to the current page number.

iv.              Table of Authorities :-
i.       Mark Citation: Add the selected text as an entry in the Table of Authorities.
ii.     Insert Table of authorities: Insert a Table of Authorities into the document. A Table of Authorities lists the cases, statutes and other authorities cited in the documents. 
iii.  Update Table of authorities: Update the Table of Authorities to include all of the citations in the document.

There are fifth Group of Mailing tab. They Are...
1.     Create
2.     Start Mail Merge
3.     Write & Insert Fields
4.     Preview Results
5.     Finish

1.    Create :-
F Envelopes
A set of envelopes the return address is the same on all the envelopes, but the destination address is unique on each one. Click Envelopes, and then specify your preferences for envelope size and text formatting on the Envelope Options tab of the Envelope Options dialog box.
F Labels
A set of address labels each label shows a person's name and address, but the name and address on each label is unique. Click Labels, and then specify your preferences for the type of label in the Label Options dialog box.

2.    Start Mail Merge :-
F Start Mail Merge
You can also perform a mail merge by using the Mail Merge task pane, which leads you step by step through the process. To use the task pane, in the Start Mail Merge group on the Mailings tab, click Start Mail Merge, and then click Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard.
Set up the main document
1.     Start Word
A blank document opens by default. Leave it open. If you close it, the commands in the next step are not available.
2.     On the Mailings tab, in the Start Mail Merge group, click Start Mail Merge.

3.     Click the type of document that you want to create.
4.     Step by step mail merge wizard click.
5.     Open a task pane of mail merge.
6.     Click next button and go to step 3.
7.     Select type a new list option and click create.
8.     New address list dialog box open
9.     Customize column click add or delete or rename of field.
10.         Fill record (1, 2, 3, 4, 5….) and click ok button.
11.         Save your record.

F Select Recipient
Choose the list of people you intend to send the latter to. You can type the own list use your outlook contacts, or connect to a database.

F Edit Recipient List
Make change to the list of recipient and decide which of them should receive your letter. You can also sort, filter, find and remove duplicates or validates addresses from the list.  

3.    Write & Insert Fields:-
F Highlight Merge Fields
Highlight the fields you have inserted into the document.
F Address Block
Add an address to your letter. You specified the formatting and locations, and Word will replace it with actual addresses from your recipient list when you finish the mail merge.
F Greeting Line
Add a greeting line such as “Dear <<first Name>>,” to your document.
F Insert Merge Field
Add any recipient list to the document, such as “Last Name”, “home phone”, “company name”, or other field.
When you finish the mail merge, Word will replace these fields with the actual information from the recipient list
4.    Preview Results:-
F Preview Results
Replaces the merge fields in your document with the actual data from your recipient list so you can see what it looks like.
F Find Recipient
Find and review a specific record in the recipient list by searching from text.
F Auto Check for Errors
Specify how to handle errors that occur when completing the mail merge.

5.    Finish :-
F Finish & Merge
Complete the mail merge. You can create separate documents for each copy of the letter, send them all directly to the printer or send them via e-mail.
There are Six Group of Review tab. They Are...
Ø  Proofing
Ø  Comments
Ø  Tracking
Ø  Changes
Ø  Compare
Ø  Protect

Ø  Proofing :-
                                i.            Spelling & Grammar: Check the spelling & Grammar of text in the document. (Shortcut key: F7)
                              ii.            Research: Open the research Task pane to search through reference materials such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and translate services. (Shortcut key: Alt+ Left click)
                            iii.            Thesaurus: Suggest the other words with a similar mining to the word you have selected.
                            iv.            Translate: Translate the selected text into the different language Translate screen tip.
                              v.            Translate screen tip: Enable a screen tip that translates words you pause your curser over into another language.
1.      On the Review tab, click Translation ScreenTip.
2.      Select the language you want the word translated to.
3.      Pause the pointer over the word that you want to translate.
A ScreenTip appears next to the word with the word translated.

                            vi.            Set language: Set the language used to check to spelling & grammar of the selected text.
                          vii.            Word count: Find out the number of words, character, paragraphs and lines in the document. You can also find the word count in the status bar at the bottom of the window.

Ø  Comment:-
                                i.            New comment: Add a comment about the selection.
                              ii.            Delete comment: Delete the selected comment.
                            iii.            Previous comment: Navigate the previous comment in the document.
                            iv.            Next comment: Navigate the next comment in the document.

Ø  Tracking:-
                                i.            Track changes: Track all changes made to the document, including, insertions, deletions and formatting changes.
                              ii.            Balloons: You can show revisions as balloons in the margins of the document or show them directly, within the document itself.
                            iii.            Display for review: Choose how to view the proposed changes to the document.
 Final shows the with all proposed changes included; Original show the document before any changes were made.
                            iv.            Show Markup: You can hide or show comments, insertions, and deletions, formatting changes, and other kinds of markup.
                              v.            Reviewing Pane: Show reviewing in the separate window.

Ø  Changes:-
                                i.            Accept: Accept the current changes and move to the next proposed change.
                              ii.            Reject and move to next: Reject the current changes and move to the next proposed change.
                            iii.            Previous change: Navigate to the previous revision in the document show that you can accept or reject it.
                            iv.            Next change: Navigate to the next revision in the document show that you can accept or reject it.

Ø  Compare:-

i.                    Compare/Combine: Compare or combine multiple versions of documents.
Show source document: Choose which source document to show. You can show the original document, the revised document or both.
Ø  Protect Document:-
Restrict Formatting and Editing: Help the restrict people from making certain types of editing or formatting to the document by specifying a password.

There are fifth Group of View tab. They Are...
Ø  Document View
Ø  Show/Hide
Ø  Zoom
Ø  Window
Ø  Macros

Ø  Document View :-
                                            i.            Print Layout: View the document as it will appear on the printed page.
                                          ii.            Full Screen Reading: View the document in the full screen reading view in order to the maximize the space available for reading or commenting on the document.
                                        iii.            Web Layout: View the document as it would look as a web page.
                                        iv.            Outline: View the document as an outline and show the outlining tools.
                                          v.            Draft: View the document as a draft to quickly edit the text.

Ø  Show/Hide:-
                                            i.            Ruler: View the rulers, used to measure and line up objects on the document.
                                          ii.            Gridlines: Turn on gridlines to which you can align objects in the document.
                                        iii.            Message Bar: Open the massage bar to complete any required actions on the document.
                                        iv.            Document Map: Open the document map, which allow you to navigate through a structural view of the document.
                                          v.            Thumbnails: Open a thumbnails pane, which you can used to navigate a long document through small picture of each page.

Ø  Zoom:-
                                            i.            Zoom: Open the dialog box to specify the zoom level of the document.
In most cases, you can also use the zoom controls in the status bar at bottom of the window to quickly zoom the window.
                                          ii.            100%: Zoom the document to 100% of the normal size.
                                        iii.            One Page: Zoom the document so that an entire page fits in the window.
                                        iv.            Two Page: Zoom the document so that two page fits in the window.
                                          v.            Page Width: Zoom the document so that the width of the page matches the width of the window.

Ø  Window:-
                                            i.            New Window: Open a new window containing a view of the current window.
                                          ii.            Arrange All: Tile all open program window slide- by –slide on the screen.
                                        iii.            Split: Split the current window into two parts show that you can view different sections of the document at the same time.
                                        iv.            View Side by Side: View two documents slide-by - slide so that you can compare their contents. 
                                          v.            Synchronous scrolling: Synchronize the scrolling of two documents so that they scroll together.
To enable this feature, turn on view slide by slide.
                                        vi.            Reset Window Position: Reset the window position of the documents being compare slide-by - slide so that they share the screen quality.

Ø  Macros:-
                                            i.            Switch Windows: Switch to a different currently open window.
                                          ii.            Macros
(View micro= Alt+F8):View the lists of macros, from which you can, run, create or delete a macro.

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