The home
row of the keyboard is the most important to the touch‐typist. When at rest the
typist's fingers are positioned, lightly, on the A‐S‐D‐F keys for the left
hand, and the J‐K‐L‐; keys for the right hand.
The left index finger will control the F and G keys, the
right index finger will control the J and H keys.
The left middle finger will control the D key, the right
middle finger will control the K key.
The left ring finger will control the S key; the right ring
finger will control the L key.
The left little finger will control the A key, the right
little finger will control the ; key.
The spacebar is controlled by the right thumb.
LF = little finger, RF = ring finger, MF = middle finger, IF = index
Lesson 1 Exercises:
Exercise 1:
asdfg hjkl; asdfg hjkl; ;lkjh gfdsa asdfg
hjkl; ;lkjh gfdsa ;lkjh gfdsa
Exercise 2: Please type
ah had lag
slag ah had lag slag ah had ah had lag slag
Exercise 3:
dash gash lash dash gash
lash dash gash lash dash gash lash
Exercise 5:
lad sash flag lad sash
flag lad sash flag lad sash flag lad sash
Exercise 6:
fall gall hall lass fall
gall hall lass fall fall gall hall lass fall
Exercise 7:
glass alfalfa adds glass
alfalfa adds glass alfalfa adds glass alfalfa
Exercise 8:
sad shall salad sad shall
salad sad shall salad sad shall salad sad shall
Exercise 9:
ash glad alas ash glad
alas ash glad alas ash glad alas ash glad alas
Exercise 10:
all flask half all flask half all flask half
all flask half all flask half
The third row of the
keyboard is the Q‐W‐E‐R‐T‐Y row.
The left index finger will control the R and T keys, the
right index finger will control the Y and U keys.
The left middle finger will control the E key, the right
middle finger will control the I key.
The left ring finger will control the W key, the right ring
finger will control the O key.
The left little finger will control the Q key, the right
little finger will control the P key.
LF = little finger, RF = ring finger, MF = middle finger, IF = index
Lesson 2 Exercises:
Exercise 1:
qwert yuiop qwert yuiop ;
poiuy trewq poiuy trewq qwert yuiop qwert
Exercise 2:
till quail tight yell;
will those feat lake hash till quail tight yell; will
Exercise 3:
wire this flay queue;
there rail sale gypsy is wire this flay queue; there
Exercise 4:
usher wake yaw tide; quash
their light rash that usher wake yaw tide;
Exercise 5:
slit guide tale rage; the
depth quest your these slit guide tale rage;
Exercise 6:
tale trash slide day; take urge wages wake
typist tale trash slide day;
Exercise 7:
play rest jaw quail; why
fell its well peat two play rest jaw quail; why
Exercise 8:
typed sure peep sill; ogre
rate quell paw yap use typed sure peep sill;
Exercise 9:
if do pit dug wary; quaff law stop lair gate
here if do pit dug wary; Exercise 10: Please type go her with hit;
fight tug quill day saw yippee go her with hit; fight tug
The left index finger will
control the V and B keys, and the right index finger will control the N and M
The left middle finger will control the C key, and the right
middle finger will control the, key.
The left ring finger will control the X key, and the right
ring finger will control the. Key.
The left little finger will control the Z key, and the right
little finger will control the / key.
The left shift key is controlled by the left little finger
and the right shift key is controlled by the right little finger
LF = little finger, RF = ring finger, MF = middle finger, IF = index
Lesson 3 Exercises:
Exercise 1:
zxcvb nm,./ zxcvb nm,./ /.,mn bvcxz /.,mn
bvcxz zxcvb nm,./ zxcvb
Exercise 2:
by, zip wean trying stump
shrink rice ping/ mail by, zip wean trying
Exercise 3:
king fan crick, chill block. back abbot.
aflame/ mix king fan crick, chill
Exercise 4:
zest win, thump skunk.
plain muffin, knight/ exit zest win, thump skunk.
Exercise 5:
daring. choke bishop. admit
twine sultan, sing/ roman daring. choke
Exercise 6: Please type
pink, nicest mate knit. groan flock, divide coop/ advice pink,
Exercise 7:
vilest turbot, track snick
scoot revoke. rein/ paving vilest turbot, track
Exercise 8:
Office. Meat. Lean.
Hiking. Feline. Decay. Clash. Bright. Office. Meat.
Exercise 9:
Bump. Prank. Bate. Turnip.
Bap. Aging. Aback. Wombat. Vine.
Exercise 10:
Vexing. Typing. Being.
Sump. Faxing. Rink. Blot. Nice.
In our first three lessons
we covered the first three rows of the keyboard. This being our fourth lesson,
we cover the fourth row. The number row.
The left index finger will control the 4 and 5 keys; the
right index finger will control the 6 and 7 keys.
The left middle finger will control the 3 key, the right
middle finger will control the 8 key.
The left ring finger will control the 2 key, the right ring
finger will control the 9 key.
The left little finger will control the 1 key, the right
little finger will control the 0 key
LF = little finger, RF = ring finger, MF = middle finger, IF = index
Lesson 4
12345 67890
12345 67890 09876 54321 09876 54321
380, 157,
062, 519.238, 406, 925, 640, 502.798, 256
A1 S2 D3 F4
G5 H6 J7 K8 L9 ;0 9l 8k 7j 6h 5g 4f 3d 2s 1a
Moscow 013
Sofia 982 Nuuk 176 Riga 541 Vilnius 194
32A Rome
174B Paris 985 Berlin 681 Madrid 704 Vienna
831 Warsaw
495 Amsterdam 672 Brussels 140 Copenhagen
640 Prague
135 Bratislava 217 Nicosia 489 Tallinn 810
Helsinki 6.39 Athens 7.02 Valletta 14.2 Lisbon 87.6
Ljubljana 0.24 Stockholm 81.3 Dublin 5.39 Oslo 71.6
Belgrade 1.35 Reykjavik 72.0 Bern 86.4 Kiev
This is the
last lesson in our typing course. You should by now be more comfortable with
typing. Hands on the keyboard, eyes on the screen; both your accuracy and your
speed will improve with practice.
LF = little finger, RF = ring finger, MF = middle finger, IF = index
Lesson 5 Exercises:
Exercise 1:
!@#$% ^&*()_+
+_)(*&^ %$#@! !@#$% ^&*()_+
Exercise 2:
'/ p[] 0‐= =‐0 ][p /'; ;'/
p[] =‐ Exercise 3: Please type 1'1 1;1 ;/; ,. /?/ ;:; '"' \|\ ]}]
Exercise 4: Please type
#15 @ $56.80 = 17%,
15*(12+3)=15^2, 2‐ !=4‐2
Exercise 5:
if($totalqty = 0) {echo
"you did not order anything"}; Exercise 6: Please type
if(document.images) && (prelodFlag ==)) {for var i=0
Exercise 7:
>>> for n in [1,
2, 3]: print n; %d x 7 = %d % (j,j*7)
Exercise 8:
void main() {int
angle_degree; double angle_radian. pi
Exercise 9:
if(chair $where){ #we got
there } else { #not }
Exercise 10:
if (index >= size) throw new
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